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Feeding the Hungry Children in Obia, Haiti

Feeding the Hungry Children in Obia, Haiti

Dear Friends and Partners,

We just returned from a “very rough” and “very dangerous” trip up the rugged mountains of Haiti to a poor village called Obia. Unless our Haitian Pastor Souffrance had been with us, we could never have traveled to this poor village.

It looks like a desert full of dry weeds. The path up the mountain took us about 45 minutes to an hour because we had to travel slowly due to the rough roads, potholes, and drop-offs!

Here, the mothers explained that their children were eating dirt and drinking sugar water to quench their hunger. Nearly all the children had red, straw-like hair, or no hair. Almost all of them showed signs of malnutrition.

We brought lots of our older “Love A Child” kids to help. Fabienne and Widelene (seated with Sherry) helped cook the food, and our older boys helped distribute the bowls of food. The hungry children waited patiently for the Pastor to pray over their food.

We thought about you, our previous partners, and wished you could have been there to see the children eating “every last grain of rice.” You would cry. It was hard to hold back the tears as I heard some of their stories. “You,” dear partner, have blessed these children so much… altogether, between the boxes of food and the cooked food, were about 55,000 meals that you fed the children and people in Haiti! Great is your reward!


We love you so much,
Bobby and Sherry

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