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Feeding the poor in Haiti

Feeding the poor – 12-08-15

Just look at this young Haitian boy – there is no hope in his face. He cannot go to school, and he has never had a “full meal each day.” You may not know his name, but maybe you will remember his face. It is the face of the “poor.” He has a “machete” (knife) to use to cut trees to make charcoal. He will try to find some plastic bottles to sell, and then he’ll put them in his “macout” (sack). If he doesn’t, he will stay hungry for a day or two. Look at the big holes in his shoes. He feels every rock in the road. Now ask yourself this question, “I wonder why I was born here, and he was born poor in Haiti?” Maybe it is so that God will touch your heart to feed him and children like him. We must bring in eight to nine containers of food at $10,000 each this month. Please pray that God will meet this need so we can feed this child, and others. Sherry

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