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Follow Your Dreams!

Fabienne (left) and Sarah (right)…

We just received this picture from Fabienne, one of our older children here at Love A Child. She is the “dental hygienist student” that is attending dental college, and she is working on a patient, Sarah, her sister at our Love A Child Children’s Home… imagine that!

We have had Fabienne since she was very small, about four or five years old. And Sarah came to us when she was about two years old with severe malnutrition. Both have grown up here with us. Sarah just recently changed her college profession… she now wants to be a dental hygienist, too. We are so proud of all our children. We have always told them to “reach for the stars” and “follow your dream.” We have taught them to always put the Lord first and always help the poor, and God will bless them.

Someone once said, “That you can count the seeds in the apple, but you cannot count the apples in the seed.” Inside of each of us, God plants a “seed.” It is up to us to care for the “seed” that God puts in us. That “seed” is a dream.

Thank you so much, friends and partners, who have been helping us with these children since they were small.


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