This is sweet little Ada. She has a sister and brother in our Love A Child Children’s Home… Bianca and Raphael. Four children were brought to me years ago, by their aunt. She had told me that their parents died on the “boat trip” leaving from Cape Haitian to go to the United States. She begged us to take them. The older sister had severe mental problems and we decided it was best for her to stay with her aunt, but we agreed to take the other three… they are all sweet children.
Ada is 13 years old and in 8th grade. She is a good worker, and not lazy. She will work in the kitchen, help cook, wash and iron clothes, clean her room, and never complains. We had hired some school teachers to come in and teach our older children the more difficult subjects, but we were concerned about them bringing coronavirus inside… so the kids are studying on their own.
Children in Haiti who have been brought up in an orphanage or children’s home have a bad “stigma” over them, especially the girls. Other children will consider them trash, or say, “you don’t even have a mother or father,” etc. We tell them, “With God’s help and a mind to work hard, very hard, you can be anything you want to be… follow your dreams.”
Ada’s desire is to be a doctor! With hard work and faith in God, she can be anything she wants to be. Follow your dreams, Ada!! Love is on your side! Mommie and Poppie