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Here are our guys delivering our Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) meals to Old Letant Village. This village is 10 minutes from our Children’s Home where we live with our 85 children. Oh, the people were so happy! The poor people are desperate here.

We are delivering FMSC meals to 7 more villages today. Four of the villages are tough and we must use caution. Barry, our Haitian son, and other security are with the food.

Breaking News!
I just received word a few minutes ago that the Papaya Gang took our big four-wheel “diesel engine” blue box food truck, which carries our food to faraway areas. I’m trying to find out if the gang took our driver too.

Please Pray…
For the last few days, we’ve had no more containers of FMSC meals leave customs. These gangs are out of control… the police are trying their best. They are outnumbered and outgunned. They have been killing a few but many more take their place. The gangs are in control, no doubt about it… at least in our area.

This has been a frustrating day but we have peace in the Lord…
We need your prayers, Haiti needs your prayers, and the gangs need your prayers…

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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