We met Madamn Estevia some years ago. She lives in a poor area on top of a mountain in one of the “sections” of Fond Parisien. She was so poor and could not provide for her children. Her husband had left her. We began giving her food each month; we save a large 27-lb sack of rice or a box of the Feed My Starving Children food for her to pick up! She is so thankful!!
She came also to show me what she sells to make a living. She has eight children of her own and is taking care of her brothers’ three children because his wife died! Eleven children to feed each day, plus herself. She decided to use her “little bit of money” and buy the supplies to make “strong disinfectant soap!” She showed me three huge balls of soap that had mistolin, a disinfectant, and some other “stuff” in it. She “cooks this over a fire, and then takes it out to cool; then rolls it into a large ball “of powerful soap stuff!” This is the way she feeds the children each day. I gave her $20 US to help her buy more supplies.
Haitians need food “right now,” but they also need jobs. Each Haitian feeds an average of ten people with their job! I left her feeling so blessed to give a sack of rice and some money for her little business!! “Love is something you do!” Sherry