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Food Distribution

Food Distribution

Today we have 98 organizations coming to pick up their monthly food at our Kingdom Connection Food Distribution Center. About half of these are orphanages. We are so happy to have the team from Feed My Starving Children here along with the President of FMSC Mark Crea. They are all working hard!

Thank you to both Jentezen Franklin and Joyce Meyer MinistriesHand of Hope for giving the money for a container of food every month. There are 272,000 meals in each container! Thank you to FMSC for donating the eight containers or more each month. By faith, Love A Child pays the transportation cost of $10,000 for each container. Every month, after we receive the money from Jentezen Franklin and Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope, we scratch around for $60,000 to ship the rest of the containers of food. “By Faith!”

Some of our Haitian children are helping today along with our staff. I want to thank every person for your help, from the widow’s mite to the large gifts. Love Is Something You Do!!! – Bobby and Sherry

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