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Food Distribution in Nakou Mar

Food Distribution in Nakou Mar

So far this week, we have distributed food to seven villages. They are very happy and thankful people. These pictures are from Nakou Mar, an area and people who are in need of our meals.

Haiti is in a food crisis. The situation here in some places with the gangs terrifying the street sellers, anyone trying to travel to work, robbing and kidnapping… Something must be done about the gangs, yet little is being done. The Haitian people are suffering more than I can put into words.

Thank you to those of you who help financially sponsor these meals. Thank you, Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) for all your donations of food. We must pay for the transportation of the meals from FMSC down to Miami, then put the heavy 40-foot containers on the [cargo] ship then ship to Haiti, then get out of Customs.

We receive 11 containers per month from FMSC… Faith works, and Jesus never fails!

The sweet Haitian families, especially the children, say ‘Thank you!’

Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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