Today, we began distributing food in many villages. We started today with Miracle Village. This is the village that we built for the families who lost their homes in the 2010 earthquake. We built these houses with wood because everyone was afraid of cement blocks falling on them! We always teach the families to “keep their yards” clean.
When it’s time for Food Distribution, if they don’t have their yards clean, they do not get food (unless there is a good reason… in which case they have a chance to redeem themselves).
George and Berry (two of our older Love A Child kids) were there to help, along with our Haitian Security.
Today, Bobby was there with them, greeting the people and hugging the babies! Many of these precious people have given their hearts to the Lord and attend church in Miracle Village.
We gave them a nice large sack of rice and some beans. We had ordered this ahead of time while waiting on the Feed My Starving Children food to arrive. Everyone was so happy to receive food.
This is a critical time for poor Haiti… there is so much violence in the streets that parents cannot go to sell or try to make a living due to the gang violence in the streets. God bless all our friends and partners who help us “feed the hungry!” Bobby and Sherry