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Food for Life

“Give a man a fish, and he will eat for the day. Teach a man to fish he will eat for life.”

When we first came out here to this land that was donated, it looked like a dry desert with awful thorny trees. But, the Lord can turn the desert in our lives into a blessing!

Look what the Lord has done. Here are the guys working in our newest garden area, where they’ve planted carrots, onions, beets, and leeks…food for life. Our Agricultural Training Center is such a blessing to so many people, teaching them how to raise better crops, drip irrigation, composting, and so much more. Wilner is the head of the program, and he has a green thumb! He has a passion for sustainability.

We want to thank Hope Seeds for all their seed donations. God bless you, David Balsbaugh, CEO of Hope Seeds.

Bobby Burnette


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