Bobby and Sherry just recently returned to their home at the Children’s Home in Love A Child Village, Fond Parisien, Haiti. After they endured all the hugs and “welcome home” greetings from the children and staff, they got an opportunity to visit Wilner and the ATC (Agricultural Training Center) staff at our large “Garden Verge’” on campus.
This large, now lush, verdant garden was just an ugly, non-productive, almost sterile, unusable area of rocky dirt that barely supported weeds and the ubiquitous thorn trees (Pikan trees). But now, after much work by Wilner’s team, it is an area of rich, supplemented soil that grows every kind of vegetable and fruit tree you can imagine.
This garden is only about 3 ½ years old, but it already provides food every week to many of the five kitchens on Love A Child’s campus. Keep in mind that there are no machines, tractors, tillers, etc. available to work this land to convert it from a “moonscape” into the productive garden it is today.
Can you see the wide variety of plant life that now flourishes in this converted garden?
Bobby and Sherry were amazed at all the different vegetables (eggplant, broccoli, leeks, onions, herbs, peppers, spinach, beets, carrots, etc.) and fruits, too, like papaya, bananas, mangos, avocados, and citron limes. This is a project that the men take great pride in. Everyone is joyous when the ATC team comes loaded with their fresh-harvested produce. We give thanks to God for His guidance and care, to Wilner’s team for their hard and skillful work, and especially to our supporters whose investments make this happen. This garden is providing “food for life.”
Rad Hazelip, Assistant Executive Director