Genesis 1:11 Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees…”
Trees are remarkably important to the ecology of the earth. The lack of many mature trees throughout Haiti is largely the reason for the devastated environment there that makes life so harsh and difficult.
Our Agricultural Training Center (ATC) recognizes this and has ongoing projects to try to combat this. We focus on projects for reforestation and edible trees. We promote planting tree species like the once prevalent Mahogany (Kadjou), Neem, with its multiple benefits, Moringa and Mulberry. We constantly propagate these species at the ATC to have them on hand to plant in remote areas because each of them yields great benefits to the environment.
The Mahogany trees are great for shade, lumber, and bio-mass. The Neem has important medicinal properties and is the basis of our homemade organic insecticides. The Moringa is known for its extreme nutrition from almost every part of the tree, and the Mulberry produces thousands of fruits for both humans and birds, like free-range chickens.
All these species “coppice” well, meaning they can be cut back (harvested) severely and will continue to grow and produce more vegetation. All of these species provide beneficial bio-mass for making composts and mulches.
Here are pictures of our now mature Mahogany trees along the roadway to the ATC that you may recall were just seeds about 6 years ago. You also see young Mahogany and Neem seedlings in the shade house waiting to be planted when the rain comes. Can you see where this mature Neem tree has been cut back, yet it is still growing, giving more beneficial vegetation?
Trees are a critical part of God’s formula for the earth. Your support of our sustainability outreaches helps us take care of the planet in a beautiful way, as God intended.
Rad Hazelip, Assistant Executive Director