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The Future is Bright for George!

George… His real name is “Georges,” named after Hurricane Georges, which struck Haiti in 1998. George’s mother had a large family and couldn’t care for another child… but she was pregnant. She had told some ladies who worked in a large pharmacy that she was going to abandon the baby at the General Hospital and walk out and leave him there.

When I heard this, the ladies at the pharmacy were begging me to take him when the mother would give birth. But, his mother never made it to the hospital due to the hurricane. George was born during “Hurricane Georges.” We brought him to our orphanage about a year later, his mother got pregnant again, with Stephanie, George’s sister. We took her in and after a little while, their mother died. George has always been small for his age, but when our backs were turned, he was up on the front end loader and backhoe, when he was about 12!

We sent him to the Caterpillar Training School so that he could get his official certificate. George has been working for Love A Child for years now. He is a young man with a future ahead. He has a fiancé and is trying to build his house little by little, so that he can get married! He already has a nice piece of land on which to build his house.

George is always laughing, always smiling, and always so sweet! He loves his dad (Bobby), so much!! We are blessed to have such good kids at Love A Child, Sherry

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