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Gabion House Report

House number 61 goes to the family of Alice Imaude. After losing their house in last year’s earthquake the Imaude family is praising God for their beautiful new home!

Alice sells locally grown chocolate in the open-air markets in the area. Every morning she wraps the chocolate in a banana leaf and carries it on her head, walking through the open-air market announcing “chocolate for sale” as she passes.

By faith, we will have 100 Gabion houses built for the earthquake victims by December 31st. Then our house project will end. Please help if you can… faith doesn’t know we don’t have all the money needed. $9,000 will build a strong, specially built house, three bedrooms, and a porch… very nice. Any amount will help. A Haitian Creole proverb says “Anpil patat fe chay.” A lot of potatoes make a load! Love is something you do!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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