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Generator Update – 07-04-14

Generator Update: The generator that runs our orphanage, all of the missionary houses, the Food Distribution Center, pumps water from 300 feet underground and much more is constantly breaking down. Robert de Vries patched it for a temporary fix, but it will not work for long. Earlier in the week, I said that a new generator would run about $38,000. Thanks to many of our Facebook followers, we have raised $6025. By FAITH, we still need $31,975. Let’s have faith that the balance needed will come in by Monday morning. Please call 1-800-645-4868 if you can help with a new generator for Love A Child. The Lord will bless you in your time of your need. Thank you, Bobby, Sherry, all of our Love A Child Missionaries and all of our children living in the orphanage.

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