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Gifts for Old Letant Love A Child Church

Watson Balmyr, who films our Love A Child TV program, also ministers at our Love A Child Church in Old Letant. This village is extremely poor and the people try to make a living from catching small fish in the lake. There is no clean water in the village, so the people have to come to Fond Parisien to get their water.

The Love A Child Church was built in the middle of this land surrounded by thatched mud-stick huts. There are several hundred families living here. We recently received some large boxes of children’s gift boxes and beautiful dresses for the girls. All these wonderful gifts arrived here in Haiti after Christmas, due to gang violence in the streets and problems at Customs. But, even though Christmas came late, “it came right on time” to bring great joy to the whole village!

We wish to thank Pastor Mark Shepherd and anyone and everyone who helped pack and sew and put together these beautiful gifts for the poor. May God bless you, Pastor Shepherd, and all your people!! Thank you so much!

Bobby & Sherry

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