Clothing the naked… We want to thank Patricia Tader for the beautiful clothes she sent. This is a tremendous blessing to the poor! We have been overjoyed to receive clothing for the children in poor villages here in Haiti. Here are some children where we distributed handmade dresses from “Ambassadors To The Nations.” Special thanks to “Lovin Life Meetup Group/Dominic Javier” for the blankets and clothing. All the moms and children loved them!!!! We often see children sitting naked on the ground, or boys with only a shirt, or mothers wrapping their babies in dirty rags, and children covering themselves at night with pieces of straw instead of blankets. Every single piece of clothing or blankets, or shorts, or whatever is sent, is a tremendous blessing! Thank you everyone!!! Bobby and Sherry

Gifts for the Haitians – 06-05-17
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