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Ginyia… Mature for Her Young Age!

Ginyia… Mature for Her Young Age!

Little 10-year-old Ginyia wants to be a nurse. She is in third grade and does excellent in school! Her first name is actually very long and we believe her mother was Dominican. Her mother died during a C-Section here in Haiti and her father left for the Dominican Republic. Little Ginyia had then been raised by her 17-year-cousin. But, as time went by, her cousin could no longer take care of her. Her grandfather told the young girl to take the baby to Social Services here in Haiti. It is then that they called us and asked us to take this baby.

Ginyia was very shy when she came but, with all her “sisters,” she soon developed a cute personality! She loves to jump rope, loves to dress up, and loves to dance with the Praise Team! The kids gave her a nickname… “Fonton Boulet” (Big Forehead!) She seems like a grown woman in the body of a child. Ginyia is loving, sweet, kind, and everyone loves her!


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