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Ginyia the Dancer

Ginyia the Dancer


It’s hard to believe our little dancer is now in 4th grade. She is “all girl.” Giniya is just one of the many hundreds of Haitian children whose father left them and went to the Dominican Republic. This leaves a mother with the big responsibility… but, when Ginyia’s mother died during a C-section, immediately, her father left the family to go to the D.R.

She was raised by her 17-year-old cousin, but when she could no longer take care of the baby, she took her to the Department of Social Services. They called us and asked if we would take her. She was quickly adopted into our family, and soon, the girls here had lots of “ribbons,” in her hair!

Ginyia is incredibly smart in school. She is kind and obedient, and always cleaning or helping with the little ones. But, Ginyia has another passion… dancing! She is right in the middle of the Praise Dance Team. She knows every step and never misses a beat! She is graceful and beautiful! I’m glad her father left and went to the D.R. Any man who deserts his children, doesn’t deserve them! She has “Poppie Bobby” for her daddy and she is fine with that! We all love little Ginyia!


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