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Giving Food to Nan Plezi…

Giving Food to Nan Plezi…

It was a joy to travel to a new village, very poor, called “Nan Plezi” (which should mean “the Pleasure”).

I don’t know why they call this village Nan Plezi, because I couldn’t find a single thing that would bring pleasure… no crops, no topsoil, no water, and few trees. But, this food certainly brings “smiles” and hope to the women and children. Women in Haiti do the worst jobs… they work “like men,” and yet, they still have to put food on the table. Many, many times, their “husband” will leave them with several children and go to the Dominican Republic. It is a rough life, but living far away from “civilization” means there are no gangs. They have “peace and quiet,” even though they are hungry.

This food will be the only food they have to feed their children, and they love it! It is full of vitamins and minerals, and it tastes “delicious!!

Thank you, partners, for those who give the “widow’s mite” and those who give more. When my father died, my mother “kept on giving.” She never missed giving her tithe, and she would take out her tithe first and put it in an envelope. She also had envelopes for tithes, alms, and other gifts… God always met her needs. Today, if your gift is large or small, keep on giving with a happy heart because God loves a “cheerful giver.”

Thank you for making a difference in the lives of so many poor, your little neighbors here in Haiti.

With Love,
Sherry Burnette

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