We found Dieubon during a Mobile Medical Clinic. He comes from a poor, poor family of six children. He has a sweet submissive mother, but his father never liked to work, and therefore, the whole family suffered. Dieubon had club feet, but through one of our close friends, Dr. Chester, and his wife, Debbie, we were able to get him to the States to have surgery. (Dr. Chester has gone to be with the Lord. He was a great servant of the Lord, and we miss him so much.) Dieubon has also had surgery for spina bifida. He recovered well because he had the best of doctors that were familiar with club feet.
He returned to Haiti and went on to school, but when he became a teenager, he started growing a beard! I have asked him so many times to cut it, and he does, but it grows back. (Guess what he’s getting for Christmas? An electric razor!) I don’t know why the Haitian fad is to have a beard or a mustache. It is the “cool thing” thing to do, and all young guys want a mustache or a beard!!! Oh well… I can put up with a beard or a mustache, as long as they stay sweet and respectful and make good grades in school!!!
Dieubon has a little “side job.” He helps on the painting team. They mostly give him the baseboards, because he is so short!!! But everyone loves Dieubon! He says very little but has a great sense of humor. With his money, he helps his mother and his family each month. He is a funny little guy… The kids have a nickname for him… “Haitian SpongeBob!” We love Dieubon. He never gives us any trouble, and he is still so sweet and respectful!! He is a blessing!! Oh, yes, Dieubon means “God is good!” Sherry