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Love A Child

God is Still the God of Miracles…

As most of you know, Sherry and I flew into Florida on Saturday evening. We have two doctors appointments this week and we meet with the board twice next week. This morning we had a ray of hope finding diesel fuel for Love A Child before we run dry, which would be an unbearable hardship on everyone. When we left Haiti, we were told we would have diesel within two days. No one can find the diesel. Looks like the only diesel is on the “black market,” and so much of that diesel is bad diesel. We need several thousand gallons.

I was supposed to have minor surgery, which I have canceled twice because of problems in Haiti. Praying to the Lord for wisdom. I’m thinking about canceling my third minor surgery appointment. I’m praying about leaving Sherry here for her medical check-up appointment and our board meeting next week. I’m thinking about flying back to Haiti through the “back door,” because we are in an emergency situation. Farmer John, who has the butcher shop next door at the market, is in the same situation. The market (GMM) will be out of diesel any time now. He went back home to help put his children back in school. We may fly down to Haiti together.

Please pray for a miracle… We need diesel to run everything.
We are at the end of our rope…
God is still the God of miracles…
Love you all…

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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