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God’s Creation

God’s Creation

Imagine what it was like when God brought all the animals to Adam to name them all!!! What a job! We are at the Kifaru House Conservancy in Africa. We landed today at 11:20 a.m. via a small plane and we went on a 4:00 p.m. safari tour… we saw many animals!!!

Here is the list of the animals we saw: a leopard, lion, jackals, buffalo, gazelles, waterbuck, black rhinos, white rhinos, warthogs, grey zebras, plain zebras, African elephants, monkeys, baboons, and giraffe (the giraffe was actually eating from the trees in front of our room!)

This place has an outside “shower” and we were warned by one of the workers, to be careful of the monkeys! They come in through the hole (window), while you are taking a shower! Ha! We love beautiful Africa but our hearts are in Haiti!

Bobby and Sherry

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