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God’s Healing Power

God’s Healing Power

We arrived back safely from Mon Oreg. There were so many mothers coming to get food for their children and so many children coming to eat.

One little girl, about three, had pulled over a large pot of boiling water and scalded her face, about a week ago. The mother said it was “boiling tea,” but it was “saltwater soup” to feed her hungry children.

The boiling water scalded the little girl’s face and there was no money for a doctor. So, the neighbors told her to put “tomato soup” on her face to take the swelling away. But her face got really infected.

We brought her and her mother back and took them to our clinic here in Fond Parisien. They are cleaning her little face right now. If we were not there to take her to the doctor, a serious infection could have set in! We are so thankful for God’s healing power.


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