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As you know, Casimi our hero, “food container driver,” was released safe yesterday after being kidnapped by the 400 Mawozo (Papaya Gang). The gang did not ask us for any money.

We found out late this afternoon, Casimi will be picking up our semi-tractor and container tomorrow from the gang. They graciously did not ask us for any money. This is indeed, a miracle!

The sad news is probably the gang took all of the 1280 boxes of FMSC (Feed My Starving Children) food (272,000 meals) on board the container. Having so many hungry people in Haiti, I’m sure they took all the meals. Having hundreds of containers with food on board being brought to Love A Child, losing one, isn’t all that bad considering.

I’m thankful for your prayers, really the Lord gave us a miracle. Good job! We are going forward! I want to thank Nelio, our Haitian director, and his team involved for all their patience and wisdom in dealing with the gang. Casimi will be getting back in the driver’s seat!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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