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Good News Update

PTL!! We are very happy. This just came in from Rad at the office.

“Two donations have come in that together will cover the $6,200 cost for Dieuferly’s surgery. Praise God.”

The funds have come in for Dieuferly’s surgery!

  • On Sunday, July 11th, we all will travel over to Santo Domingo.
  • On Monday, July 12th, the hospital will do the EKG test, a COVID-19 test, etc.
  • On Tuesday, July 13th, Dieuferly will have surgery on both club feet.

We are thankful to RL and his connections and patience for lining all of this up.

After a nine-hour mule ride to a village by the name of Covant high in the mountains is where we found him as a little 4-year-old boy, I believe.

He stole our hearts, knowing he would not live much longer under his condition. The family had too many other mouths to feed who were healthy. Dieuferly has been with us ever since. Now, he is a fine young Christian man. This will be his fourth operation. The first three were not successful. Please pray. We know this one will be successful in Jesus’ name.

Thank you for your help.

Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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