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Graduating from Philo

Here is Bianca, Daniella, Jean Edward, and Lovely! They have all passed the difficult “Philo” test in school! Haiti has 13 years of school and the test to pass is most difficult! I wish we could take them all out for “pizza” to celebrate, but because we have gangs up the road from us, we are in lockdown. We have a truck driver that risks his life to bring food in for the kids here at our Love A Child Children’s Home. It is a great responsibility to keep all our LAC children safe from kidnappers.

Bianca, left, her dream is to be a surgeon. Daniella wants to be an eye doctor. Jean Edward wants to be a tailor and Lovely,  a lawyer. We are so proud of these children who put “Jesus first!” We tell them, “No matter how bad things look, God is still in control and He still has a big plan for your life!”

Thank you, to all our partners, who have stood with us for years, as we have raised the children from babies, toddlers, survivors, and some, from being slaves. Just look what a big God we serve!


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