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Graduation from Philo

Graduation from Philo

Haiti has 13 grades in school. The last and toughest is called Philo. Yesterday, three of our Love A Child children were in the graduation event, Bobby, Michael, and Hannah (sometimes she goes by Anna).

Our church was “packed full!” We were told it started at 3:00 p.m., and we were there at 3:00, but people kept dragging in late!

(Every young lady looks forward to going to something where she can show off her new hair-do or a special dress!) There are always long speeches (some boring), grads with the “talks,” singing, and special dances!

It was about 90 degrees when we came in at 3:00, and it lasted until 7:00! When the time came for the grads to get their Diplomas, the parents had to go up on the platform and give the graduates a gift! (I’m glad I did my shopping early when I was in the States!)

We are so proud of Bobby, Michael, and Hannah.

But I just found out yesterday that they will have more tests to take! It would seem that all the tests would finish first, and then the graduation, but I’m sure they have a reason for it!

Thank you, partners, who have helped us raise these children since they were very young! Now, they will need to find out what life is all about!


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