What a day to Glorify God! Today was the final day and graduation for the second session of students at the ATC Agricultural Extension Training program. For the past three weeks, these seven students have been learning new sustainable gardening skills that will help them help many others to have life-sustaining gardens. Some students even gave testimonies on our radio station about what this experience means to them and to their families and their villages. One student said, “Love A Child has now taught us how we can feed our whole family. This is a big, big thing for all of Haiti when we can share this training with everyone else. This training will change Haiti.” We often take for granted having plenty of nutritious food for our hungry families, but our neighbors in Haiti don’t have it so easy. That’s why when donors support the sustainability programs like this, it means so much to so many. Now, these proud new graduates will return home with their new skills, their seeds, drip irrigation kits and tools and even some young trees to extend their knowledge to others. This is Haitians learning how to help themselves. The donors who support these programs surely Glorify God by their faithful support. Thanks to all who work together to help our neighbors. Rad Hazelip

Graduation for Second Session of Extensive Training at ATC – 11-03-17
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