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Haiti Container Update

Haiti Container Update

No containers came yesterday from customs. The roads are still too dangerous for our food containers to travel through.

The gangs were all over the roads yesterday in our area still shooting at rival gangs, robbing, killing, and burning down houses. In another new area, the gangs are taking over and in the whole area, people are running for their lives!

Please pray, we have 12 containers in customs with Feed My Starving Children meals with 272,000 meals in each container.

Our late fees are $70 per day per container. We have more food containers on the ocean heading our way right now. Plus, it costs us a minimum of $10,000 for transportation for each container across the ocean and through customs to Love A Child. I’m almost afraid to add up all the late fees for all these days and the cost of transportation. Please pray, I know the Lord will provide. Some days it’s very disheartening. The responsibility is very heavy.

For the humble Haitian people and their children waiting for their food, we are sincerely sorry. God bless all of our Haitian crew who risk their lives taking the food to the people.

Pray for Haiti and the children. The Haitian people are very kind and hard-working. The gangs do not represent the Haitian people. The gangs mostly are not educated, have no jobs, no money, own no houses; and with no electricity, no running water, they really have no hope and no future. We are praying for them; our hearts go out to the Haitian people.

We are claiming Haiti for Christ!

This storm will blow over…

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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