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Haiti Crisis – Critical Update

Haiti Crisis – Critical Update

There is a “critical fuel shortage crisis” in Haiti. Very little fuel can be found in the country. Nearly all gas stations are closed!

Where we live, we have no electricity, like people have in other countries. We have to run everything off our two big diesel generators!

We really need your prayers here at Love A Child. This week, we will be completely out of fuel. This fuel runs everything here. Our Orphanage, Malnutrition Clinic, Medical Clinic, everything! The most critical thing is water!

Our Diesel Generator fills our water tower three times a day at 35,000 gallons each time.

The government of Haiti has recently “more than doubled the price of fuel!” And, I have heard this morning, talking to someone at 4:30 am this morning, that the fuel is about to go up further in price!

If we “do” get a fuel truck to come, they must make it through the gangs! The last two tanker trucks that came to our place, got hijacked and kidnapped!!

Our URGENT, CRITICAL NEED is to have TOTAL SOLAR at Love A Child!

We have been working on this day and night. Rad, from our Ft. Myers Office, has been working with “Son Light Solar Power.” They have installed solar systems in Haiti and in other countries around the world. We are hoping to have the cost estimate this week. We think, as of right now, that the cost will be about $2,000,000.

What our plans are, is to do “one building at a time, as the money comes in.” We have an anonymous donor who has helped us for several years. He has pledged a $95,000 Matching Gift Challenge use “where most needed.”

So far, we have had $27,000 come in. We have till September the 18th to match this challenge.

Please, we need your help more than ever, since we moved to Haiti!

If you can give to the Matching Gift Challenge, call our office at 239-210-6107 and let them know you want to give.

(You must say, “This is for the Matching Gift Challenge!”)

Please mail letters and contributions to:
Love A Child, Inc.
PO Box 60063
Fort Myers, Florida 33906-6063

At the bottom of your check, please put “Matching Gift Challenge,” so your gift doubles.

Online: — select “MAKE A DONATION” — “Matching Gift Challenge”

Attention, please, anyone sending in your regular donations for projects, please put “Matching Gift Challenge” on the bottom, and it would double your offering.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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