The 17 kidnapped missionaries have not been released yet. I cannot imagine what the missionaries, their families, and Christian Aid Ministries must be facing. Yesterday the Papaya gang on Facebook were saying terrible things about what they will do if they don’t get the $1,000,000 ransom for each.
Tomorrow will make one week since they were kidnapped. Our hearts are torn for the missionaries and their families.
Please pray…
Our third 40-foot “tent” container came into Port last weekend. Nelio had our tent container cleared right away to leave customs. Inside were our last 366 tents, 2,500 tarps, and more earthquake supplies to help the people.
We’ve waited every day for the container to arrive out here at Love A Child. The roads have been blocked [due to] fires and dangerous gangs everywhere. The gangs are in control, no doubt about it.
Most roads have no cars on them, everyone is scared to death. No diesel gas anywhere… The gangs are blocking the big fuel tankers plus kidnapping some of the drivers and taking the fuel trucks… All the fuel trucks are staying put not going anywhere now.
Urgent: Please pray… We are almost completely out of diesel fuel. When our big 200,000 kW generators run out of diesel, we will have no water, and our whole compound will mostly be in the dark.
This has been so difficult on all the Haitian people, especially the children, and all of us missionaries.
I cannot explain the stress and frustration WE ARE ALL UNDER.
Missionaries Bobby and Sherry Burnette