The 17 missionaries are not released yet. The gang is saying on Facebook, they will kill them if they do not receive one million dollars each. Please be in prayer. Our hearts are broken.
We were hoping to have our third container of tents, tarps, and emergency supplies pulled in today from the port. Looks like so far, not today… too much trouble with gangs on the road. Casimi is trying. He came this morning to pick up from us, our 55 gallons of emergency diesel for our semi we had for our generators here. No fuel anywhere. If Casimi can’t get through, then you know it’s bad.
We are wanting to travel by boat next week bringing our last 500 tents, tarps, and very nice emergency supplies to Jeremie and up into the interior. The forgotten ones… Please pray our container can get here to Love A Child. Then we must travel and put it all on the boat. It’s not easy traveling anywhere here these days.
Still, no fuel has arrived for our big generators to run our Love A Child compound. Almost completely out! Out here we run off of generators. We must in the future, become all solar.
We love you….
Bobby Burnette