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Haiti Update: 10-24-22

Haiti Update: 10-24-22

Our hearts are very heavy today for the Haitian people. Actually, our hearts are broken.

Since the sanctions, we’ve seen no difference in the attitude of the gangs and conditions are worse. I know the UN Council is trying their best, and all who are involved. Patience and time hopefully will bring help.

With no fuel, and the coalition of gangs blocking the fuel terminal holding all Haiti hostage, is unbelievable. Haiti is in the worse crisis I’ve seen ever. With no fuel the country and everyone is “falling like dominos.” It’s too worse to describe… Hunger is widespread, breaking our hearts. Hundreds of businesses have closed their doors, many never to open again. Thousands have fled from their homes to get away from the gangs in their neighborhood. We have our containers still in customs full of FMSC meals. The late fees and new government taxes upon all kinds of other fees are mind boggling. “Humanitarian aid” means little to the ones who are greedy.

Today has been very difficult on Sherry and me, seeing the need all around us, seeing the poor families suffering beyond words. I don’t want to use the word discouraged, but we are about as low as anyone can be today. If troops or someone doesn’t come in soon, Haiti is finished. I’m praying that behind the scenes things are taking place to free Haiti. The world cannot stand by and let this continue.

Thank you for your prayers and support…

Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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