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Haiti Update

We are on a roller coaster ride!

I’m writing this at 7:35 p.m. from Love A Child in Fond Parisien, Haiti. The latest, as of five minutes ago, the “400 Mawozo Gang” is still roaming the streets of Ganthier causing havoc. They are still shooting at the police officers! They returned, robbing houses, and stealing everything. The police have moved into the customs building (the part not burned out), which is on the outside of town. The Kenyans left yesterday, only leaving a small group of police and military.

The Kenyans do not have what they need to fight the gangs. The new police commissioner who had to move into the burnt-out customs building, does not have what he needs… diesel or even cots for his men to sleep on! He is short on so many things. It’s unbelievable! Where is all the money that President Biden sent? The 2 p.m. meeting today in town was grim. About 10 people came by our orphanage to speak to me. (More on Monday.)

We are making big plans on how to help everyone in Ganthier. 2,000 families are hungry… many with no home. I will share something with you on Monday. Together, we can make a difference! Love is something you do.

Bobby Burnette
Isaiah 43:2
Psalms 91

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