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Haiti Update

Haiti Update

Last Thursday Sherry and I brought Djonsly and his mother, Marie, to Miami so Djonsly could be checked into the hospital. The hospital is taking very good care of him. I’ll be glad in the future when I can share the name with you. They are worthy of a medal… the doctors, nurses, and all of them involved in this venture of love.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Sherry and I just returned to Florida from the MAP International Conference. MAP donates containers full of valuable life-saving medicines for us and we share them with others. MAP is a wonderful organization, very well organized, and full of love.

Regretfully, Sherry and I could not attend the Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) Conference almost three weeks ago. Haiti was much too dangerous to leave. We are very thankful to FMSC, who donates to us 11 containers per month with 280,000 meals in each container. Thank you FMSC and our friends who help pay the expenses for each container for shipping, customs, and delivery to the villages.

This coming week we will be returning to Haiti. The gangs are out of control, kidnappings, robbing people, shooting, killing people. People are afraid to travel on the road in bad areas.

The poor Haitian families are suffering more than I can ever tell you. The pain of the Haitian people is unbearable. So thankful the Lord has called Sherry and me to be there to be missionaries to help the Haitian people, especially the children. Many people here in America have asked us not to return to Haiti right now. We have 85 children in our Children’s Home waiting for us. So many people depend upon us in Haiti… It’s where the Lord has called us, He will protect us.

Thank you for your prayers and your support which is needed more than ever. Words cannot express our thankfulness.

Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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