We have been sharing with you the story about the 160 people living in one cave and another group of families living in a different cave. The caves are located in the hills above Jérémie. They lost their houses and all their crops because of Hurricane Matthew. We have been talking to our friend Joel Trimble this morning, who has been trying to help these people. We feel compelled of the Lord to build them new houses and give them seeds for new crops. We just can’t have Christmas and open presents while there are people living in caves without any hope. The children break our hearts. Today I should know the price of building a house either out of wood or block for these poor families. Please pray about being part of giving for people that have lost everything. Let’s put them in a new home, all it takes is money. We think it may take between $2,700 and $3,000. I will confirm later on today or tomorrow. Love is something you do. Bobby

Haitian families living in cave near Jérémie, Haiti: 12-20-16 10:45 AM
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