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Happy Birthday Jovanie

Happy Birthday Jovanie

We first saw this little girl when she was about six years old. She had red hair from Malnutrition. She was not being well cared for, and we decided we would take her in. As some children do, she had her struggles in College. She was studying to be a nurse. There were many times when we thought we would give up on her, but her Nursing Instructor knew she was intelligent and would be a great nurse.

She not only became a Nurse, but went on to become a “Mid-Wife,” or a Saj Fam in Haiti. So, she has two degrees and works at our Maternity Clinic. The other night, a mother almost lost her baby, who was not breathing. But Jovanie knew exactly what to do… and she saved that little life.

Today is Jovanie’s Birthday. She is a very thankful young lady. She is thankful to us as her parents but also thankful to all of you who support Love A Child. Jovanie is part of “Haiti’s future.” We pray she will marry the right young man and have a wonderful life. She is very, very thankful to be alive.


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