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Happy Birthday Kristela!

Happy Birthday, Kristela! We can’t believe she is 20!

It seems like yesterday we were in that Mobile Clinic in Savaan Pit, Haiti, far back in the mountains! A poor, pregnant woman came to us because she was very sick. We treated her the best we could, but she was “too far gone” for even a hospital. When we tried to pray for her, she said, “I serve Voodoo.” We told her that Jesus could give her everlasting life!

We prayed for her, she accepted Jesus, and died about a week or more later. About a month later, this woman’s husband brought the baby girl to us. He called her “Kris-te-la,” or “Christ was here.”

Kristela was covered with huge sores and had red hair from malnutrition. She wants to be a physical therapist. She has a gift in her hands for this. Kristela and children like her are “Haiti’s future!” We love her so much!

Bobby and Sherry

P.S. If you would like to invest in lives, please go to the College Fund section on the website. Plant a seed in the life of our Haitian children!

Thank you, and God bless you!

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