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Happy families in South Haiti!

Happy families in South Haiti!

Here are 10 more happy families moving into their brand-new “earthquake-proof” Gabion houses! While Sherry and I were in Africa last week, Jesse and Kim Ostrander were in South Haiti, helping more families move into their new homes.

These families had lost their houses in the earthquake last August, like so many others. Hubert and his crew have been working every day building Love A Child Gabion houses. Our plans are to build as many Gabion houses as the Lord provides the funds for up to the end of December. By faith, we are going forward! Just about out of funds, but faith doesn’t know this…

$9,000 will build a complete three-bedroom home with a front porch. Please, any amount will help. This specially built house will withstand future earthquakes, built with local materials and local labor, supplying many jobs. It’s a win-win for everyone! We want to keep on building houses for families who have lost everything.

Please give online or give by credit card, 239-210-6107. Thank you.

Love is something you do!
Missionary Bobby Burnette

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