Sherry and I want to wish all of our father friends a very Happy Fathers Day. Today is a special day. My father was 71-years-old when I was born! This morning, our daughter Julie called to wish me a Happy Father’s Day. Our son Jonathan e-mailed me this morning, which brought tears to my eyes. I would like to share his e-mail with you and the picture he sent. Here is my son Jonathan’s email that he sent this morning… “Happy Fathers Day to the Best Pa in the entire world. I could have no better father than you dad. I love you with all my heart. Thank you for putting the love of Jesus way down deep in my heart. Thank you for all the sacrifices you made for me growing up. Thank you for all of our wonderful trips to Haiti, and all of our awesome vacations. I remember you used to always tell me, “Son, always keep a positive mental attitude.” I didn’t understand that until I was an adult, but I get it now. I wish we could be together today, and I would buy you a big fat steak and lobster tail. I love you and Mom with all my heart. You are a really good father, that is who you are. Love, JR”

Happy Father’s Day from Bobby and Sherry: 6-19-16 10:00 AM
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