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Happy to Do Hard Work Around Love A Child!

“Life At Love A Child… The Water Hose.”

We asked our teenaged girls to do a project for us today… “clean out the storage building” near the clinic. It was “past time,” full of dirt, and cobwebs… it had not been cleaned in quite a while. We were so proud of our girls. They jumped right in, sweeping, mopping, scrubbing, organizing, and disinfecting!

It was SO HOT! We made several trips to check on them. We even brought the music speakers with nice, loud, Christian music!! All went well until Kristela got ahold of the water hose! Then, it was an “all-out,” water hose workout! Well, it was a hot day and after all, what’s a water hose good for? Ha!

The girls did a great job! We brought them cokes and “pates” from their “brothers!” They loved them! These kids never complain about hard work, no matter how dirty it is! We love these kids! They bring us such joy! As Bobby says, “It is a joy to say yes to Jesus!” Thank you, partners!! Sherry

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