Yesterday afternoon, we took lots of children from our Love A Child Children’s Home to Ebeneezer Orphanage, not far from us. This is Pastor Claude’s Orphanage here in Fond Parisien. David George and his partners, and some of our partners, all worked together to help Pastor Claude move his children from a dangerous location in Haiti, here to Fond Parisien.
All of his children are happy. They have a huge orphanage and a school. Each month, we try to bring our children over to Pastor Claude’s Orphanage so that they can sing, play games, dance, and praise the Lord together!
Children who grow up in an orphanage in Haiti always need to be reassured that they “have value,” they are loved, and that they have talent that God has given them. When all our kids get together, they do a lot of praise dances and games!!
When we get Camey (one of our workers here at LAC) dancing with Pastor Claude, they can really “cut a step!” They are so much fun! The Bible says, “a merry heart doeth good like a medicine!” Thank you, partners!!!
Bobby and Sherry