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Having Mercy on the Poor

Today is Sunday, and most Haitian families look forward to going to church on Sunday. They “love” church! However, for the “poorest of the poor,” every day is the same. Madamn Dorceus and her family still go to the rocky river bed and sit in the hot sun all day long, crushing large rocks into small rocks… even the little children must help.

There is no joy in sitting in the hot sun, crushing big rocks into small rocks. The family works until they have a large pile of small rocks and then, they wait for a truck to come along and buy the rocks. But it is not enough to feed the family for a week, just for a day or two. I actually stopped one day when I saw them crushing rocks and I tried hard to break the rocks, but it was very difficult.

Proverbs 19:17 says, “He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which He hath given will pay him again.” When you give to the poor, the Lord will always pay us back many times over! Have a great Sunday, but “remember the poor.”

Bobby and Sherry

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