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He Almost Got Left Behind

He Almost Got Left Behind

When we first started our Love A Child Children’s Home, we began in a small, rented house that had two floors. We started with four children, then we had eight, and so on. We were told that we could not take any more children in until we got a larger building.

At that time, we were doing a lot of Mobile Medical Clinics in the mountains where we had our schools. One day, we were in the mountains of Demesseau, Haiti, just finished a clinic, packed up, and we were getting ready to leave… Bobby was driving, and I was near the truck window. A father came running up to the truck, crying. He was a poor man and had a new baby in his arms. He told me that his wife had died in childbirth and begged me to take his baby. But, Bobby said, “Sherry, we are full. We can’t take in any more children.” At that time, I understood more Creole than Bobby did, so I told the father in Creole, “Wait until Monday and then bring him to the orphanage. We will sneak him in!” And we did.

Today, Jonas is studying to be a mechanic. He is such a nice young man, very polite, loves the Lord, and he is such a sweetheart. We are so proud of Jonas, and we love him so much.


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