This little girl is from the village of Dennigon. She is tortured with malnutrition, has dry skin, a bloated belly, and dry, straw-like red hair. Hunger is Haiti’s biggest enemy of their innocent children. Try going one day without any food at all, and you will feel “just some of what these children feel every single day of their lives.” Someone once said, “Let our hearts be broken with the things that break the heart of God…” God bless all our wonderful partners, who have sacrificed again and again to feed these hungry children. Lord willing, we will go back to the “garbage dumps” Tuesday with a food distribution. Please pray for our safety, as “political things” have gotten very bad in this area of Haiti. We must have armed guards go with us to take food to the poor. Sherry

Our hearts break for the poor: 1-27-17 7:10 PM
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