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Helping Haiti Take Care of Itself…

Helping Haiti Take Care of Itself…

“Helping Haiti take care of itself…”

Yesterday was a huge day for the students at our three-week training course on “Sustainable Gardening in Haiti.” Look at all that they experienced yesterday. They worked in the large gardens preparing new raised beds to receive new seeds and starter plants; they harvested many green peppers and spinach; they learned to re-purpose old tires into container gardens, and glorified God by gaining skills to work the soil with their hands productively.

The students are seeing the success that comes from working together for a purpose, using sustainable methods to grow bountiful gardens that will provide nutritious food for their families. Tomorrow they will have their graduation ceremony, and they will receive their certificates, tools, seeds, etc., to take back home to replicate there what they have learned here during the past three weeks.

They will also be taking home with them a new hope, restored dignity to be able to take care of themselves, and an ability to earn money selling their excess produce. They all are very grateful that understanding supporters gave them this opportunity. We hope to hold our next session of this valuable training in late May if we can get enough students to sign up and get enough scholarship funds to help them come. This training experience at our Agricultural Training Center (ATC) has transformed these students’ lives.

Now they return home to plant a seed and help transform many more lives in their communities. If you see the value in this kind of help for our neighbors in need, please send your donations to “ATC Scholarship” or simply “sustainability” to help us ensure that we can continue these valuable outreaches. Your gift is a blessing that keeps on giving, season after season. God Bless you for blessing them.

Rad Hazelip, Assistant Executive Director

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