Here you can see some of our Love A Child girls… Fabienne, Bianca, Roselyne, and Jovanie! They and some of their “brothers” helped so much in getting medicines ready to give to some hospitals here in Haiti! These pallets of medical supplies came from World Vision. They are “desperately needed” at this time here in Haiti! The pallets contained all types of masks, tubing, needles, catheters, and hundreds of other items. Since the pallets were mixed, I had the LAC kids and others open each box, put them in piles, and tape a sample on the top! Then, we loaded our “team truck” packed full of supplies, waiting to go to the next hospital! This is a very generous and needful gift! Thank you, World Vision and thank you, LAC kids and helpers for a great job! Now we will have more work for you to do, because more medical supplies arrived yesterday! God is good! Sherry

Helping Hands!
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