These ladies are from the village of “Sapaterre.” For all their lives, they have been “sitting in the mud and making mud cookies to sell and eat,” as their main businesses. We won many of these ladies to the Lord and then, a wonderful church was built in Sapaterre, which is growing every week!!!
Each one of these ladies wants to “have a business to sell something.” It will cost $300 US for them to get started in their business and buy the things to sell. Then, with the money they make, they will set some aside and buy more products.
We are hoping and praying that this will be a success and that we can find five sponsors who will give $300 each so that these ladies can “get out of the mud” and start a business. If this is a success, then we will take a few more into the program. We have a man, Mr. Charles, who will be responsible for seeing that the ladies buy what they are supposed to buy and set aside money to continue their business.
· Madamn Charles wants to sell shoes
· Madamn Adiane Joseph wants to sell food
· Madamn Suze Ulissa wants to sell bread
· Madamn Almena Phania wants to sell clothes
· Madamn Betina Joseph wants to sell cosmetics
Please pray about sponsoring a lady from the village of Sapaterre. You may contact our office in the States at 239-210-6107, and tell them whom you would like to sponsor. If this lady has already been sponsored, they will assign you someone else. Let’s make a difference in the lives of these five ladies!!! This may change the whole village!!! God bless you. Sherry