We just had a meeting with our local Mayor, Mayor Polynice, here in Fond Parisien. He explained how the hurricane had affected areas near here, Balan, Ganthier, and other villages, and how it devastated crops, destroyed homes, the same as it has done in southern Haiti. We had already donated two full containers of food and a lot of clothing, but now, after the heavy rains that just came in, there is more damage. We will donate another container of food, lots of clothing and we will bring in enough tin, nails, wood, and whatever else is needed for 200 local houses. Our Haitian Director Nelio always takes care of getting the food to the people who need it and we are so proud of him. We are not finished with the “Hurricane Season” yet. As Haitians say, “Deye mon, gen mon.” Beyond the mountains are more mountains, which means, “Behind the problems are more problems.” Bobby and Sherry

Helping those in need after the hurricane: 10-22-16 6:00 PM
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